Tue, 28 October 2014
Part 2 of the latest installment of Driving with Kumar as I share some thoughts while driving to and from my 25th college reunion. I've also got music from Ty Segall, Wormburner and The Pharmacy. Show notes: - No regrets about college years - Could have graduated a semester early, but chose to stay for full year - Got a job before I graduated - Worked first few months at newspaper while also working weekends at supermarket - Moved to Massachusetts after a few months - Lived in 10 different places in a decade - One apartment I shared with three women; a year later, it was all guys - Nearly got married in mid-20s - Went to Homecoming in '93 and passed on a party to go home and watch World Series - Toronto won Series on Joe Carter HR that night - Went up to UNH a lot the first few years after college - On drive home - Lots of drunken kids when I arrived at 2:30 - Wandered around through a mass of partying young people - Eventually found class of '89 tent and my old roommate - Saw some folks I hadn't seen in many years - Only saw a little of the football game - Overwhelming feeling of oldness, but had fun
Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!
Music: Ty Segall - Feel Wormburner - Somewhere Else to Be The Pharmacy - Masten Lake Lagoon
The Ty Segall song is on the album Manipulator on Drag City. Download the song for free at KEXP. The Wormburner song is on the album Pleasant Living in Planned Communities on Dive Records. Download the song for free at KEXP. The Pharmacy song is on the album Spells on Old Flame Records. Download the song for free at KEXP.
The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.
Tue, 21 October 2014
Part 1 of the latest installment of Driving with Kumar as I share some thoughts while driving to my 25th college reunion. I've also got music from Sleater-Kinney, Coaches and The Cherry Wave. Show notes: - Coached in a youth soccer tournament before driving up to University of New Hampshire - Haven't gone to a college reunion before - Still see many friends from college on occasion - Nearly flunked out freshman year - Switched from engineering to journalism and turned it around - Worked for newspaper for six years after college - Journalism majors use theirs skill in different ways now - College was my first time away from parental discipline - Real partying began when grades improved - Did not drink in high school - First weekend in college, that changed - Freshman year roommate had a tough time - Sophomore year roomie was super busy with activities - Moved off campus junior year - Unlucky in love - Always hung out with both nerds and jocks - Ate a lot of junk food - To be continued
Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!
Music: Sleater-Kinney - Bury Our Friends Coaches - amisarewaswere The Cherry Wave - Whitey
The Sleater-Kinney song is on the forthcoming album No Cities to Love on Sub Pop. Download the song for free (in exchange for your email address) at Stereogum. The Coaches song is available for free download at Bandcamp. The Cherry Wave song is on the forthcoming album Avalancher and available for free download at Bandcamp.
The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.
Tue, 14 October 2014
Part 3 of my conversation with guest Brian Salvatore as we look back at the music of 1996. I've also got music from Ex Hex, Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas, and Mini Dresses. Show notes: - Recorded via Skype - Check out Brian's new radio show Unsolicited Mixtape - Brian's #5 - Olivia Tremor Control made Brian's favorite Elephant 6 album - Jay's #5 and Brian's #4 - Frank Black had a tough task following up Teenager of the Year - Moved to a rawer sound - In the middle of an excellent stretch of solo music - Jay's #4 - Weezer's underrated (at the time) masterpiece - Brian's #3 - Ween goes to Nashville - Serious musicianship behind silly songs - Jay's #3 - Afghan Whigs' Black Love was a cinematic concept album - Serious Quadrophenia feel on the ballads - Brian's #2 - Fountains of Wayne's debut was also underrated - Jay's #2 - Sloan bounced back from short-lived breakup to put together a brilliant album - Trading a Ween mix for a Sloan mix - Brian's #1 - Pinkerton was the first album Brian liked and his friends didn't - Serious dropoff in quality since then - Jay's #1 - Beck followed up Mellow Gold with an amazing album - Brian: Midnite Vultures is the best Prince album of the '90s - Next up: 1988
Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!
Music: Ex Hex - Don't Wanna Lose Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas - Caught Up Mini Dresses - In Two
The Ex Hex song is on the album Rips on Merge Records. Download the song for free for a limited time at KEXP. The Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas song is on the album Secret Evil on Instant Records. Download the song for free at KEXP. The Mini Dresses song is on the EP Three and available for free download at Bandcamp.
The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.
Tue, 7 October 2014
Part 2 of my conversation with guest Brian Salvatore as we look back at the music of 1996. I've also got music from King Tuff, Purling Hiss and Young Adults. Show notes: - Recorded via Skype - Check out Brian's comics podcast The Hour Cosmic - Brian: Beck's Odelay was just outside my top 5 - New album's okay, but not great - Brian: Cake, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Wrens' Secaucus - The endless wait for the new Wrens album - Brian was supposed to play piano with the Wrens but got sick - Sticking up for Stone Temple Pilots' album - Jay: STP were equal opportunity ripoff artists - The '90s brought new wave of festivals: Lolla, Gathering of the Vibes, HORDE, Ozzfest - Jay: No desire to go to Bonnaroo or Coachella - Nothing better than seeing a band in a club - Jay: Dug albums from D Generation, Sebadoh, Luscious Jackson, Johnny Cash, Chixdiggit, Brainiac, GBV, Maxwell, Westerberg - Singing the praises of Live at Drew's - Brian: Belle and Sebastian, Bill Frisell - Frisell did the soundtrack to a Far Side cartoon - To be continued
Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!
Music: King Tuff - Headbanger Purling Hiss - Forcefield of Solitude Young Adults - Old Kids
The King Tuff song is on the album Black Moon Spell on Sub Pop. Download the song for free for a limited time at Amazon MP3. The Purling Hiss song is on the album Weirdon on Drag City. Download the song for free at KEXP. The Young Adults song is available for free download at Bandcamp.
The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.